Saturday, July 14, 2007

Logic service slowly emerges

Hey all. Long time no write. This was definitely not because there was no activity - on the contrary. Burke and I have been very actively discussing, hacking, flaming and thinking through the numerous decisions regarding the skeleton of the logic service. Now, after a couple of weeks of intensive brain and finger work, we finally came to a point where we are very satisfied with what we've accomplished and need input from people.

The skeleton is finished, technical overview is available, code is available via Trac, and everyone's invited to read through both and share their thoughts with us.

1 comment:

Justin Miranda said...

Vladimir - I think the addition of the Data Source interface is a huge step forward. I was hoping that the Logic Service could eventually handle integration with a data warehouse, in order to make complex aggregate queries more efficient. If I'm correct in interpreting the role of this interface, the Data Source will allow us to build a data source that can talk to an OLAP database. Is that correct? Please contact me if you have questions.