Thursday, July 19, 2007

Alive and breathing

Our first simple test works and retrieves all CD4 COUNTs for a given set of patients. This is great news, and proves that our model's got what it takes. Of course, problems can (and probably will) arise as we build more and more advanced functionalities, but we're looking forward to coping with them. :)

Also, logic criteria is now implemented, and it's giving people the opportunity to express their queries in a simple way. For example:

new LogicCriteria("CD4 COUNT").lt(200).within(Duration.months(6))

Although the LogicCriteria class is now functional, an important part of the logic service is yet to be implemented - the routine(s) to convert the LogicCriteria into Hibernate's own Criteria object, which can then be passed to the database layer. Stay tuned! ;-)

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