Thursday, May 24, 2007

Getting up to speed

The next couple of weeks will be on fire. The exams here at the Belgrade University begin on June 24th, so I'll be doing a lot of studying along with coding for OpenMRS. The good thing is - most of my University assignments will be implemented in Java/Eclipse, so I guess by the end of summer I'll become tEh eClIPsE MaSteReR!!11 ;)

But, let's cut to the chase - I have a full development environment set up, and right now I'm in the phase of reading developer tutorials and the OpenMRS source code. Still haven't written a single line, though. The environment seems pretty robust and easy to use (Eclipse is by far my favorite IDE), but perhaps memory will pose a problem. Only 512MB of RAM. Oh well, time will tell.

The RSS aggregation is a great idea, in my opinion. (I hate IMO, AFAIK, ROFLMAO, ROAJSJGNDIOESIPEOW and similar stupid acronyms). And it was about time I got my blog set up. Gotta keep up with the times, eh? (Well, not really. But it's still cool :) ).

I'm still not tagging these posts with "openmrs" because this is basically just my blurb to test the RSS interface and to let you know where I stand. A post like this doesn't belong in the OpenMRS feed, if you ask me. In a couple of days, I'll probably add my first legitimate OpenMRS progress report.

Go go go!

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